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Brand Orientated


We are Brand Geeks!

Spoken - Marketing Message

  • Our Branding and Presentation of Marketing is always well considered and presented immaculately

  • "Being Brand Orientated" is one of our promoted values in our marketing


How that Translates in what we do...

  • Attention to detail is very important to us

  • What we deliver is of excellent quality

  • Our Design Packs are awesome!

  • Our office is clean and tidy

  • Our staff dress to impress:

    • Not necessarily super smart all the time but dressed appropriately - e.g. in a meeting smart casual, in the office funk it up, at events smart / smart casual. Reflective of our clients requirements e.g. if in our clients office there is a dress code, we respect this wherever possible. Always wear appropriate PPE where required.  

  • Our Team create a good impression in everything we do by being: 

    • Friendly and approachable

    • Kind and helpful

  • People get a good feeling when they walk into our office or work with us everyday because:

    • Our team make people feel welcome and are hospitable by saying hello to any visitors as they walk in / offer people a drink if appropriate.

    • Our team get on well with each other and embrace new team members as people who can help our team improve. 

Passionate and Caring Team



We love what we do and genuinely care about our clients and the success of their project

Spoken - Marketing Message

  • "Passionate and Caring Team" is one of our promoted values in our marketing


How that Translates in what we do...

  • We always do our best at everything we do

  • We acknowledge we are not perfect but always learn from our mistakes

  • We are accountable and promote trust

  • We are committed to the cause

  • We are passionate about design

  • We all have the best interest of the company at heart

  • We know and love being part of something bigger than ourselves

  • We know we can make a real difference in peoples lives

  • We look after our clients

  • We respect each other and our clients

  • We look after each other

  • We teach each other

Great Listeners


We Listen to our clients, our suppliers and each other

Spoken - Marketing Message

  • "The Ability to Listen" is one of our promoted values in our marketing


How that Translates in what we do...

  • We work together as a team and listen to each others feedback about our work.

  • Every design pack is checked with a second or third member of the team before sending to the client.

  • Designers look at each others design packs with the following angle: 

    • Not necessarily what you would do differently

    • Offer constructive feedback

    • Note 3 Things you like

    • 1 thing you would change

    • Spot errors or mistakes

    • Add Positive Feedback

  • When we specify products we always take time to check with the suppliers that the products is the most suitable for the project

  • We work with suppliers to make sure that we understand their products

  • We work with Clients, when the client is speaking we either record (zoom calls) or write as much down as possible in a meeting

  • We feed back to our clients that we have understood what they have said by doing things like:

    • Providing a brief to be approved at the start of the design process

    • If appropriate, involve our clients at every stage of the design processes.


An Eye For Success


We Create and Develop Successful Businesses and Fantastic Interiors 

Spoken - Marketing Message

  • "An Eye for Success" is one of our promoted values in our marketing


How that Translates in what we do...

  • As a team we have experience creating and developing successful businesses

  • We understand what makes businesses profitable from a design angle

  • We genuinely care about the success of the client and will always speak up if we believe an idea will compromise business success

  • We train ourselves and each other 

  • We learn from every client 

  • We learn from each other 

  • If an employee is not experienced in our field we research it and ask someone in our team to educate us

  • Our work is built on a foundation of critical thinking, collaborative investigation and intelligent problem solving

  • Our ambition is to form the future of design, to this end we explore new work processes, design strategies and emerging technologies as an integral part of our work. 

Commercial Awareness


We understand businesses and the importance how they operate, we understand the property market and how to increase the value of a property through design. 

Spoken - Marketing Message

  • "Commercial Awareness" is one of our promoted values in our marketing


How that Translates in what we do...

  • We have experience working with business and make sure we specify the correct products for commercial property. 

  • When we design interiors we look at the flow of the interior making sure the operational element of the design as well as the aesthetics

  • We take the time to understand how the business works and what actually happens in a space to make sure that the design is in line with the business

  • We continue to train and develop our knowledge, skills and experience. 


To create and help develop successful businesses. 


To assist our clients to help them create and develop Brands that have meaning and impact. Designing beautiful refreshing spaces that will help business thrive and keep their employees happy.


Supplying design and project management services that deliver each project on time and to budget. 


To give our employees a relaxed flexible environment so that they can have a happy work life balance.


To help all employees to grow and reach their full potential.




To grow in size over the next 5 years aiming to keep 10 designers busy (profitably) working on projects full time whilst keeping the same culture of a caring employee focused environment. 


To move into a larger office that we can purchase. 


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"Knowing  the values, mission and vision of a Business is like knowing the soul of a person, everything a business should do starts with it's beliefs and vision for the future"

Hayley Roy 

Business Owner

Why choose us as an employer?

The Harp team have a refreshing attitude towards their employees, clients and all stakeholders. A collaborative approach sets the tone of the business and the team have a positive vibe that is unrivaled at other design practices. 

If you are lucky enough to be part of our team your work life balance will be something that is very important to the company. We have always been massive advocates of working from home where possible and have a holistic approach as an employer. 

If you are interested in becoming part of our team please contact us on to see if we have any vacancies. 

P.S. We are an equal opportunities employer and we do have men working for the business as well as women!


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